Here you will find the right person to contact:
Postal address
Nibelungenmuseum Worms
Fischerpförtchen 10
67547 Worms
Emaill: nblngnmsmwrmsd
Visitor services – advice, group bookings and bookings for the educational programme “museum live”
Telephone number : +49 (0)62 41 85 3 - 41 20 (Tuesday-Friday from 8 am to 1 pm)
Email: msmsvrmttlngwrmsd
Scientific Director of the museum
Dr. Olaf Mückain
Telephone number: +49 (0)62 41 85 3 - 41 00
Email: lfmcknwrmsd
Exhibitions and media projects
Ulrike Standke
Telephone number: +49 (0)62 41 85 3 - 41 23
Email: lrkstndkwrmsd
Press and public relations
Anne Klappert (Kultur und Veranstaltungs GmbH - Cultural activities and events)
Telephone number: +49 (0)62 41 20 00 - 3 60
Email: prsskvg-wrmsd
Fischerpförtchen 10, 67547 Worms, Germany
Telephone number: +49 (0)62 41 8 53 - 41 20 (central)
Fax number: +49 (0)62 41 8 53 - 41 29
Email: nblngnmsmwrmsd