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Luther and the Jews

The Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) added the following sentence to its statutes in 1991: "Called to repent for reasons of blindness and sin, the EKHN reaffirms that God has entered into a Covenant with the Jews as his eternally chosen people. 

On the Jews and Their Lies (old german: Von den Jüden und Iren Lügen, today german: Von den Juden und ihren Lügen) by Martin Luther, 1543, Wikimedia Commons 
On the Jews and Their Lies (old german: Von den Jüden und Iren Lügen, today german: Von den Juden und ihren Lügen) by Martin Luther, 1543, Wikimedia Commons

This witness is integral to the profession of faith in Jesus Christ."  This statement is added to the commitment to Holy Scripture and the basic creed of the Protestant Church. Hence, it is not possible to bear witness to Jesus Christ without affirming that the Jews are God's eternally chosen people. 

In November 2014, the EKHN Synod rigorously continued this policy of reorganising its relationship with Judaism by distancing itself from Luther's writings. Furthermore, the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) disavowed any form of evangelisation of Jews in 2016.

The original declaration of the EKHN Synod concerning Luther's writings on the Jews:  

pdf in the brochure (german only)